Our School
Barton Creek Elementary
1314 Patterson Road
Austin, TX 78733
Office: (512)732-9180
Fax: (512)732-9189
Website: http://bce.eanesisd.net
Attendance: Login to SMARTtag Parent Portal to report an absence
Grades: K-5
Enrollment: 504
School Hours: 7:40am-2:50pm
Office Hours: 7:20am-4:00pm
Boundary Map
District: Eanes Independent School District
Principal: Jennifer Dusek*
Assistant Principal: Erin Webb*
Principal Secretary/Registrar: Sarah Sansom
School Secretary: Debbie Cannon
Safety Officer: Veneza Bremner
* Campus Behavior Coordinator
Engage. Empower. Inspire.
Ethnic Distribution
Barton Creek provides a broad continuum of services for students, including Gifted and Talented services for identified students, intervention programs provided by campus math and reading specialists, and ongoing differentiated instruction for students at all academic levels in all classrooms.
In addition, a comprehensive special education program for students identified with special needs is provided. An extensive literacy library supports reading instruction in all grades. Students enjoy the benefits of certified P.E., Music and Art teachers in addition to a certified librarian, a certified school counselor and a registered nurse.
There are a variety of campus and community education extracurricular activities available for students including a school choir, student council, Safety Patrol, Destination Imagination, and many more. Barton Creek Elementary is also participates in the District's Spanish Immersion program.